How can I get more involved with CAB?

We are always recruiting new members! Everyone is welcome to visit any or all of our weekly meetings on Mondays at 7:30 PM in room 2209 of the Student Center for volunteer opportunities, announcements, and more!

If you are interested in becoming an executive board member, details on the positions and process can be found in our constitution.

What are the upcoming events?

Some upcoming events are always displayed main page of this website. For all of the events in the semester, visit our event page.

How do I contact CAB?

If you have a question for a specific coordinator, check out the contacts page, it includes the emails and office hours for members of our executive board!

For general questions, contact any of us!

Why do I have to swipe in all the time?

Swiping in at events with your WMU Identification Card allows us to keep track of attendance and membership! At meetings, we use swiping in to keep track of membership. By attending 3 consecutive meetings, you gain voting rights as a member of Campus Activities Board, and help with our decisions!

What are CAB punch cards?

CAB punch cards allow you to earn exclusive CAB swag and rewards by attending CAB events!

Make sure to pick up your punch card at the next CAB meeting or event so that you can start earning CAB swag!

How do I get voting rights?

Voting rights are given to both RSO representatives as well as independent individual members. For more details, visit our membership page!

How can I become CABbie of the Month?

By helping out with various volunteering opportunities, you could become our next CABbie of the Month! This is decided by an executive board member in charge of the previous week's event, and announced at our weekly meetings.

What is the process to get support for an event?

Outside organizations both affiliated and unaffiliated with Western Michigan University are able to submit requests for collaborations and partnerships. The details and forms can be found here! All requests must be sent in at least 5 weeks prior to the event date. Please send all questions and submissions related to collaborations and partnerships to our treasurer:

Are there other ways to get information about CAB?

Information about our meetings, events, and more can be found both on this website and on all of our social media! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat by searching for WMU CAB.

You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter by texting 'wmucab' to 22828, and adding your email to the list.

Do members of CAB have to pay any membership dues?

There are no membership dues associated with Campus Activities Board! All of our meetings and many of our events are free of charge.