Any WMU student in good standing is eligible to become a CAB member. There are four types of members: executive board members, RSO representatives, independent members and associate (non-voting) members.

Executive Board

E-Board members are elected in March and serve a one-year term. All e-board members get one vote during allocation and other elections except the president. The president votes only in the case of a tie.

Voting Rights at Meetings

CAB Monday Mix meetings are held every Monday in room 2209 of the Student Center at 7:30 PM. There, RSO representatives and independent members can vote on collaborations, budget changes, constitutional amendments and elections.

General Assembly Members

Independent Members

Any WMU student who attends CAB meetings. Independent members represent themselves and receive voting rights after attending three consecutive meetings.

Voting Information

Voting members lose their voting privileges if two consecutive meetings in a semester are missed. RSO representatives may send alternates in their place. Alternates should check in with the Office Coordinator before the meeting begins.

Representatives in good standing with CAB retain their voting rights over the winter break. However, no member retains voting rights during the summer semesters, and all members must earn voting rights again after the summer break.

Contact Us                   

If you have questions directly related to membership and voting rights please send an email to our Vice President at

If you would like to ask questions in person, come to our Monday Mix on Mondays at 7:30 PM in Room 2209 of the Student Center.

For any questions, comments, concerns or if you would speak to a coordinator directly, please check out our contacts page for more information.